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Exploring the Monster - Mountain Lee Waves: The Aerial Elevator

Retail Price: $28.50

By: Robert F. Whelan

Mountain lee waves and the rotors which so often accompany them comprise one of the most powerful forces in nature. Researchers, primarily flying sailplanes at record-setting altitudes, discovered ascent/descent rates exceeding 2,500 fpm, often in eerie calmness, and encountered the tremendous destructive power of rotors beneth these lee waves, capable of producing vertical/horizontal accelerations in excess of +/-15Gs.
Exploring the Monster - Mountain Lee Waves: The Aerial Elevator

These forces are more powerful than any private or commercial aircraft is designed to withstand. No pilot who flies in the lee of mountains can reasonably challenge a rotor, or ignore the effect of lee waves.

This is the fascinating account of the discovery and research into mountain lee waves and the rotors which so often accompany them. Said on reviewer, "This is a must read for every pilot."

Exploring the Monster is the story of the people and events, and the conclusions, of the Sierra Wave Project and the Jet Stream Project. Exploring the Monster is a fascinating and necessary read for everyone interested in aviation or anyone interested in learning more about a stunning-and common-force in nature.

Exploring the Monster - Mountain Lee Waves: The Aerial Elevator
Book Contents

Chapter                                                                         Page

1          Nature of the Beast                                                                   1
2          The West Coast Wizard                                                           13
3          Melting Pot                                                                               22
4          Bishop’s Visionary                                                                    30
5          Sierra Wave Project Glider                                                       39
6          The Holiday Elevator                                                                44
7          Birth of an Idea                                                             61
8          The Sierra Wave Project                                                          69
9          The Monster Bites                                                                    96
10        Into the Jet Stream                                                                    110
11        The Jet Stream Project                                                 125
12        Aeolus Sends a Signal                                                               135
13        Assessment                                                                              144
Epilogue                                                                                               148

170 pages, softbound, 8½ x 11, 74 photos.

Exploring the Monster - Mountain Lee Waves: The Aerial Elevator

ISBN Number: 1-89118-32-3

Item Number: 149

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